705CP-II English
• Month(s)
The month or months will be printed.
Example: If the blood pressure reading was stored
between months March-June, then the printout will
indicate “3-6”.
• Date
Only the daŷs date (1-31) will be printed.
Example: If the blood pressure reading was stored
on June 1st, then the printout will indicate 1 under
the “D” column.
• Time/Hour
Only the hour (in military time) will be printed.
Example: if the blood pressure reading was stored
at 3:00 PM, then
the printout will indicate 15 under the “T” column.
Note: If Time and Date was not initially set up
before taking blood pressure measurement (see
How to Set Time and Date) on printer-unit, the
numerical value will not appear on print-out for
month, time/hour and date.)
Press “GRAPH” button to print a graph
of all stored readings
Average systolic reading of
stored measurements
Average diastolic reading of
stored measurements
Most recent reading
Oldest reading
Diastolic Reading
Systolic Reading
If reading is lower than 50
mmHg or higher than 200
mmHg, will appear.