Figure 21
Figure 22
Adjusting the seat height
The seat height can easily be adjusted.
You can also change the angle of the
seat by having different heights at the
front and back. By changing the angle of
the seat, you can achieve better stability
and seating comfort. The different seat
height adjustments also effect the ability to
negotiate obstacles and rolling properties
of the wheelchair.
Adjusting the seat height – back
Figures 21 and 22
The seat height at the back can be
adjusted using the methods below.
Moving the wheel block up or down
Moving the wheel block up, lowers the
seat. Moving the wheel block down, raises
the seat. See page 15.
Changing to bigger or smaller driving
A bigger driving wheel increases the seat
height, whilst a smaller wheel decreases
the height. The table on page 31 shows
which seat heights can be achieved by
changing to different sizes of driving wheel.
Adjusting the seat height – front
Figures 22 and 22
The seat height at the front can be
adjusted using the methods below.
Moving the bearing housing of the castor
wheel up or down (see page 17).
By moving the bearing housing up, the
seat is lowered, and by moving it down, the
seat is raised.
Adjusting the chair