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The manuals related to this product are shown below.
Refer to the following table when ordering required manuals.
Related manuals
Manual name
Manual number
(model code)
QCPU User's Manual (Hardware Design, Maintenance and Inspection)
This manual explains the specifications of the CPU module, power supply module, base unit,
extension cable, and memory card.
(Sold separately.)
CC-Link System Master/Local Module Type AJ61BT11/A1SJ61BT11 User's Manual
This manual explains the system configuration, performance specifications, functions, handling,
wiring, and troubleshooting of the AJ61BT11 and A1SJ61BT11.
(Sold separately.)
CC-Link System Master/Local Module Type AJ61QBT11/A1SJ61QBT11 User's Manual
This manual explains the system configuration, performance specifications, functions, handling,
wiring, and troubleshooting of the AJ61QBT11 and A1SJ61QBT11.
(Sold separately.)
MELSEC-Q CC-Link System Master/Local Module User's Manual
This manual explains the system configuration, performance specifications, functions, handling,
wiring, and troubleshooting of the QJ61BT11N.
(Sold separately.)
Type Q80BD-J61BT11N/Q81BD-J61BT11 CC-Link System Master/Local Interface Board
User's Manual (For SW1DNC-CCBD2-B)
This manual explains the system configuration, performance specifications, functions, handling,
wiring, and troubleshooting of the Q80BD-J61BT11N and Q81BD-J61BT11.
(Sold separately.)