Welcome to McAfee VirusScan Home Edition 7.0
6 McAfee VirusScan Home Edition 7.0
n Microsoft Office Integration: VirusScan 7 scans Microsoft Office 2000+
documents to provide extra protection to users of Microsoft Word, Excel,
and PowerPoint (2000+) in the event that VShield background scanning
must be disabled.
n Usability enhancements: McAfee VirusScan Home Edition 7.0 includes
many user interface enhancements to make it easier than ever to keep
your computer and electronic files virus free.
What comes with McAfee VirusScan Home Edition
McAfee VirusScan Home Edition 7.0 consists of several components that
combine one or more related programs, each of which play a part in defending
your computer against viruses and other malicious software. These
components are:
n The VirusScan Home page. This is your central entry point in using all
of tasks and components. The Home page provides relevant information
such as your computer’s current Automatic Protection Settings status
and version information about your virus definitions. The Home page
also informs you if an update to McAfee VirusScan Home Edition is
available for download and the total number of scan operations
n On-Demand Scanning (ODS). On-demand scanning enables you to
scan at any time. For example, if you suspect you have come in contact
with an infected file, but have not accessed the file, you may manually
scan the suspect file, folder, drive, etc.
To perform an on-demand scan, simply select the Scan for viruses now
task from the McAfee VirusScan Home Edition 7.0 Home page.
n The VShield Scanner. This is an On-access Scanning (OAS) component
that gives you continuous anti-virus protection from viruses that arrive
on floppy disks, from your network, or from various sources on the
Internet. The VShield scanner starts when you start your computer, and
stays in memory until you shut down. A flexible set of property pages
lets you tell the scanner which parts of your system to examine, what to
look for, which parts to leave alone, and how to respond to any infected
files it finds. In addition, the scanner can alert you when it finds a virus,
and can summarize each of its actions.