Building New Levels
The build tasks generates the serviced level of an object and places the new object on a BUILD disk.
Placing the New Service into Production
Once the service is satisfactorily tested it should be put into production by copying the new service to
the production disk.
A.1 Apply Tivoli ADSM for VM RSU
A.1.1 Prepare Your System for Service Refresh
The ppfname used throughout these instructions is 5654A09A, which assumes you are using the PPF
supplied by IBM for Tivoli ADSM for VM. If you have your own PPF override file for Tivoli ADSM for VM
you should use your file's ppfname instead of 5654A09A. The ppfname you use should be used
throughout the rest of this procedure.
Electronic Service (envelope file)
If you have received the RSU electronically, follow the appropriate instructions to retrieve and
decompact the envelope file to your A-disk. The decompaction is currently done by using the
DETERSE module. The file name of the decompacted file will be of the format RPTFnum. The file
type will be SERVLINK. You will need to enter the file name on the VMFINS commands.
1 Read through the latest RSU information hard copy memo.
2 If the Software Inventory disk (51D) was accessed R/O (read only) then
establish write access to the Software Inventory disk.
Note: If the MAINT 51D minidisk was accessed R/O, you will need to have
the user who has it linked R/W link it as R/O. You then can issue the
following commands to obtain write access to it. Do not use mw mode.
link MAINT 51d 51d mr
access 51d d
The MAINT 51D disk is where the VMSES/E
system level software inventory files reside.
3 Mount the RSU tape on the tape drive as virtual device 181. You must use
181. (Skip this step is you have received the RSU electronically.)
4 Receive the documentation
Receive the documentation on the tape for the RSU Tape. This step will also
load the cumulative Apply Status Table (SRVAPPS) which identifies all
preapplied service contained on the tape. These files are loaded to the 51D
Appendix A. Applying an RSU Tape for Tivoli ADSM for VM 37