7.0 Service Instructions
RSU Warning
If applying a Tivoli ADSM for VM RSU (Recommended Service Upgrade) go to the instructions in
Appendix A, “Applying an RSU Tape for Tivoli ADSM for VM” on page 36. You will return to a step in
this chapter as specified in that appendix.
This section of the Program Directory contains the procedure to install CORrective service to Tivoli ADSM
for VM. VMSES/E is used to install service for Tivoli ADSM for VM.
To become more familiar with service using VMSES/E, you should read the introductory chapters in the
VMSES/E Introduction and Reference. This manual also contains the command syntax for the VMSES/E
commands listed in the procedure.
Note: Each step of the servicing instructions must be followed. Do not skip any step unless directed to
do so. All instructions showing accessing of disks assume the use of default minidisk addresses. If
different minidisk addresses are used, or if using a shared file system, change the instructions
7.1 VMSES/E Service Process Overview
The following is a brief description of the main steps in servicing Tivoli ADSM for VM using VMSES/E.
Setup Environment
Access the software inventory disk. Use VMFSETUP command to establish the correct minidisk
access order.
Merge Service
Use the VMFMRDSK command to clear the alternate APPLY disk before receiving new service. This
allows you to easily remove the new service if a serious problem is found.
Receive Service
The VMFREC command receives service from the delivery media and places it on the DELTA disk.
Apply Service
The VMFAPPLY command updates the version vector table (VVT), which identifies the service level of
all the serviced parts. In addition, AUX files are generated from the VVT for parts that require them.
Reapply Local Service (if applicable)
All local service (mods) must be entered into the software inventory to allow VMSES/E to track the
changes and build them into the system. Refer to Chapter 7 in the VM/ESA Service Guide for this
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