If the $PPF files have been serviced you will get the following prompt:
VMFBLD2185R The following source product parameter files have been
VMFBLD2185R 5654A9A $PPF
VMFBLD2185R When source product parameter files are serviced, all
product parameter files built from them must be recompiled
using VMFPPF before VMFBLD can be run.
VMFBLD2185R Enter zero () to have the serviced source product
parameter files built to your A-disk and exit VMFBLD so
you can recompile your product parameter files with VMFPPF.
VMFBLD2185R Enter one (1) to continue only if you have already
recompiled your product parameter files with VMFPPF.
VMFBLD2188I Building 5654A9A $PPF
on 191 (A) from level $PFnnnnn
0 Enter a 0 and complete the following steps
before you continue.
vmfppf 5654A09A * Note: If you've created your own PPF
override then use your PPF name instead of
Use ADSM for installing on minidisks or
ADSMSFS for installing in Shared File System
copyfile 5654A09A $PPF a = = d (olddate replace
erase 5654A09A $PPF a
Note: Do not use your own PPF name in
place of 5654A09A for the COPYFILE and
ERASE commands.
vmfbld ppf 5654A09A {ADSM | ADSMSFS} (status
1 Re-issue VMFBLD to complete updating the
build status table.
Use ADSM for installing on minidisks or
ADSMSFS for installing in Shared File System
directories. When you receive the prompt that
was previously displayed, enter a 1 to
Service Instructions 33