
7. DO NOT try to measure blood pressure immediately after drinking
coffee or tea or smoking.
8. Measure blood pressure with a relaxed and quiet posture. Keep
the center of the cuff at the level of your heart, and DO NOT move
your arm or talk.
9. DO NOT measure blood pressure after the cuff has been on your
wrist for a few minute, as you arm will have built up higher blood
pressure, and you will not get valid reading.
10. Next figure shows the classification of blood pressure according
to WHO-standard.
Measure your blood pressure at the same time on a daily basis.
* The blood pressure changes at all times. This means that data
gathered over a long period has great significance instead of data
on just one measurement. It is therefore necessary to measure
your blood pressure on a daily basis. Ideally, you should measure
your blood pressure daily at the same time.
- Eng 3 -
Definition and Classification of Blood Pressure Levels
The graph is not exact,
but may be used as a
guide in understanding
non-invasive blood
pressure measurements.
The device intended for
use in adult population.