VOICE VOLUME (0 ~ 127)
Voice Volume is the second stop in each of the 16 mixer
channels, represented graphically by a fader. It lets you
make volume adjustments to the track. To access Voice
Select, use the CURSOR-UP or CURSOR-DOWN keys.
MASTER VOLUME (0 ~ 127) - When the cursor is
positioned at Voice Volume you can access the
Master Volume control, by pressing [F8] ( Mst ).
The Master Volume lets you set the overall output
volume of the sound mix. (You can also select
Master Volume using the CURSOR-RIGHT key.)
VOICE PAN (L31 ~ R31)
Voice Pan is the third stop in each of the 16 mixer
channels, represented graphically by a pot. It lets you set
the stereo pan position of the voice between the left and
right outputs. L values position the voice in the left
side of the stereo spectrum and R values position the
voice in the right side of the stereo spectrum. A setting
of 0 positions the voice straight-up center. To access
Voice Pan, use the CURSOR-UP or CURSOR-DOWN
keys. To input L values, press the DEC key or spin the
JOG counter-clockwise, or punch in a number between
1 ~ 31 on the KEYPAD followed by [—] and then
ENTER. To input R values, press the INC key, or spin
the JOG clockwise, or punch in a number between 1 ~
31 on the KEYPAD followed by ENTER.
NOTE: When the Insertion Effect is off, changing a pan
setting while keys are pressed will not change the pan
position for those notes.
NOTE: If you set the voice pan to the left or right side in
Voice Edit Mode, then set the pan to the opposite side on the
mixer, the voice may not be audible, or the result may be
different from your intention.
The Insertion Effect switch is the fourth stop in each of
the 16 mixer channels, represented graphically by an
empty square ( off ) or a solid square ( on ). It lets you
apply an Insertion Effect to up to three Instrument
voices inside a multi. (NOTE: Insertion Effect type and
parameter settings for any particular voice are deter-
mined in Voice Edit Mode, Effect parameters function.
For more information, see page 119.) To access the
Insertion Effect switch, use the CURSOR-UP or CUR-
SOR-DOWN keys.
SYSTEM EFFECT SENDS 1/2/3 (0 ~ 127, vce)
System Effect Sends 3, 2, and 1 are the fifth, sixth and
seventh stops, respectively, in each of the 16 mixer
channels, represented graphically by pots. From within
a System Effect Send you can determine the amount of
signal level which gets sent to each System Effect, as well
as designate the types of System Effects for the song
multi, plus edit System Effect parameters. To access a
System Effect Send, use the CURSOR-UP or CURSOR-
DOWN keys.
When the cursor is positioned over one of the three
System Effect sends, you can also access several effects
related parameters via the function keys.
VOICE - Pressing [F7] ( vce ) assigns the effect send
value for the selected voice as designated in Voice
Edit Mode, Effect parameters function. (For more
information, see page 119.)
MASTER RETURN LEVEL - Pressing [F8] ( Mst )
lets you access the Master Return level, in order to
set the overall return level for all tracks. (You can
also access the Master Return using the CURSOR-
RIGHT key.)
TYPE - Pressing [F5] ( Type ) lets you access the
System Effect Type display, from where you can
choose which type of effect is assigned to each of the
three effect sends, as well as set the return level for
each effect. (To return to the Song Multi function
screen, press EXIT.)