To enter Disk Mode, press the DISK button in the Mode
section on the panel. The screen will display the main menu
of Disk Mode functions.
To exit Disk Mode from within the Disk Mode menu
screen, press EXIT once. To exit Disk Mode from within a
Disk Mode function, press EXIT twice or more. Or simply
press any other MODE button on the panel.
To access the various Disk Mode functions, position the
cursor over the name of the function you want and press
ENTER, or simply press the function key [F2 ~ F7] located
beneath the abbreviation of the function name located at the
bottom of the screen. The Disk Mode functions are as
DISK STATUS - Lets you review how many and what
types of files are saved on the inserted floppy disk.
SAVE TO DISK - Lets you save Internal and Song
voices and song sequence data onto the inserted floppy
LOAD FROM DISK - Lets you load Internal and Song
voices and song sequence data from floppy disk into the
W5/W7 s RAM memory.
RENAME FILE - Lets you change the name of any file
on the inserted floppy disk.
DELETE FILE - Lets you erase a file from the inserted
floppy disk.
FORMAT DISK - Lets you format a 3.5 2DD type
floppy disk to be compatible with the W5/W7 s operat-
ing system.
NOTE: A floppy disk must be inserted into the disk drive to
perform Disk Mode operations. When attempting to perform
Disk Mode operations when a floppy disk is not inserted, Disk
not ready! will appear on the screen.
When you are within a particular Disk Mode function or
subfunction, you can often jump directly to another
function by holding SHIFT and pressing a function key [F2
~ F7] a letter S inside a black box at the lower left of the
screen will indicate that you can do so. To get back to the
Disk Mode main menu from within a function, press EXIT
once or more, or press the DISK button in the Mode section
on the panel. You can execute disk saving and loading
operations from within the File Directory.
Disk Mode lets you save your original voices, song multis and sequence data in various
combinations into disk files on a floppy disk (3.5 2DD type), as well as load the files
back into Internal/Song voice and song memory. It also lets you perform various disk file
management functions like renaming and deleting files and formatting a disk for the W5/
W7 operating system.
Disk Mode also permits the saving of songs in Standard MIDI File Format-0, as well as
the loading of sequences recorded on other devices and saved in the Standard MIDI File
Format-0 and -1, and the Yamaha ESEQ format. (NOTE: The Standard MIDI File Format
was created and implemented by a consortium of software and hardware makers so that
song data could be transferred easily between different music sequencers, including those
made by different manufacturers. The W5/W7 supports two Standard MIDI File types,
known as Format-0 and Format-1 . In Format-0, all sequencer data is recorded as a
single track , which may include data for more than one MIDI channel. In Format-1,
more than one track may be used, each of which may contain data for more than one
channel. Data saved by the W5/W7 using the Standard MIDI File Format will be saved as
Format-0. The W5/W7 is capable of loading data saved in either of these formats, so long
as the floppy disk the data is on is a 2DD type disk formatted in 9 sectors, 720 kilobytes.)
NOTE: If you try to use an
unformatted disk, the Disk
unformatted! message will appear on
the display, indicating that you must
perform the disk formatting operation.
NOTE: The sequencer will not run
when the W5/W7 is in Disk mode.