INSERTION EFFECTS - An Insertion Effect can be assigned to an Instru-
ment voice. A maximum of three voices may use an Insertion Effect at any one
time, one Insertion Effect per voice for a song. A specific Insertion Effect, along
with user-assigned parameter settings, can be specified for a voice within Voice
Edit Mode.
The Insertion Effect for each voice may be switched on and off from within a
mixer track. There are a total of 35 preprogrammed Insertion Effects, which
can be edited and configured in a variety of ways in the voice and multi for a
song or performance setup. (For more information about Insertion Effects, see
page 119.)
SYSTEM EFFECTS - There are three System Effects which can be applied to
the overall mix, and send levels for each effect can be adjusted via the mixer.
System Effects can be designated, and System Effect parameters can be edited,
from within the multi.
There are a total of 40 preprogrammed System Effects, which can be edited
and configured in a variety of ways in the voice and multi for a song or perfor-
mance setup. (For more information about System Effects, see page 79.)