The W5/W7 s Song Mode is actually made up of four separate operating modes: Song
Play, Song Record, Song Edit and Song Job. Jumping back and forth between each requires
only the push of a MODE button on the panel, so it is easy to access any feature you need
quickly as you work with rarely more than two or three clicks of a function key.
Song Play Mode is accessed by pressing the SONG button
in the Mode section on the panel. From within Song Play
Mode you can choose between Song Multi, Song Sequence
Play and Song Setup functions, in order to
a multi by
assigning an Instrument voice to each of the 16 tracks,
determining sound mixer and other settings for the voice in
each track (including volume, panning, effects, tuning, note
shift and pitch bend), select any of the 16 songs in internal
song memory, assign various MIDI settings including
transmit channel, set the keyboard mode to Normal, Split,
Layer or 4-Zone, set the sequencer clock to internal or MIDI
sync, and determine other settings which affect the cur-
rently selected song multi.
Song Record Mode is accessed by pressing the RECORD
button in the Sequencer section on the panel from within
the Song Multi function or Song Sequence Play function of
Song Mode. From within Song Record Mode you can
record a sequence in the currently selected song memory,
either in real-time (including replace, overdub and punch-
in recording) or step-time, as well as determine record
parameters like time signature, tempo, quantize, click
volume and others.
Song Edit Mode is accessed by pressing the EDIT button in
the Mode section on the panel. From within Song Edit
Mode you can view and edit individual note, controller and
other MIDI events in the sequence, through three separate
functions Data Change, which lets you modify the data,
Data Insert, which lets you insert new data, and Graph,
which lets you view notes as dots on a keyboard diagram
plus a horizontal line which displays dots that indicate the
position of note data in a measure.
Song Job Mode is accessed by pressing the JOB button in
the Mode section on the panel. From within Song Job Mode
you can make changes to the sequence that apply to all the
data in one or more entire measures. Song Job operations
include song copy, append and clear, track copy, clear and
mix, measure copy, erase, create, delete and insert, data thin
out, extract and chord sort, plus quantize, move clock,
modify gate time, modify velocity, transpose, shift note, and