TEMPLATE, element amplitude template type, 113, filter template type,
116, LFO template type, 121, pitch template type, 117
TEMPLATE TYPE, element amplitude edit, 113, filter, 116, LFO, 121,
pitch, 117
TEMPO, changing the tempo, 55, data change tempo track, 93, data
insert tempo track, 94, tempo change, 94, tempo select, 80, tempo
select, 86
TEMPO CHANGE, data insert tempo track, 94
THIN OUT, song job 2, 99
THRU (THROUGH), filter, 115
TIME SIGNATURE, description, 80, song record mode, 86
TONE, filter, 116
TONE GENERATION, AWM2 tone generation, 30, 104
TONE GENERATOR, tone generator section, 22
TOP OF TRACK, sequence/tempo track data change, 92
TRACK, data entry by track buttons, 41, selecting tracks for playback,
74, selecting tracks, 54, track buttons, 13, track select button, 13
TRACK BUTTONS, data entry by, 41, front panel diagram description,
13, selecting elements and switching them on and off, 109
TRACK DATA CHANGE, sequence/tempo track data change, 92
TRACK DATA INSERT, sequence/tempo track data insert, 93
TRACK SELECT, instrument track select, 63
TRACK SELECT BUTTON, front panel diagram description, 13
TRACK SELECTION, selecting tracks for playback, 74
TRACK SOLO BUTTON, front panel diagram description, 13
TRACK TRANSMIT CHANNEL, external on/off, 82, internal on/off, 82,
MIDI transmit channel, 82, track number, 82
TRANSPOSE, song job 3, 102, song other setup, 84
TROUBLESHOOTING, appendix, 153
TUNE, drum voice key parameter, 126, how to access, 78, master tune,
78, normal voice edit mode, 118, pitch, 118, song multi screen, 37
TUTORIAL, getting started, 43
TYPE, drum voice insertion effect type, 127, element amplitude template
type, 113, file types, 132, filter template type, 116, LFO template
type, 121, normal voice insertion effect type, 119, pitch template
type, 117, selecting a file type, 132
UNDO, song job undo/redo, 95
UTILITY MODE, controllers, 147, entering and exiting utility mode, 142,
feature reference, 142, greeting message, 149, internal voice bank
initialize, 144, MIDI setup, 148, moving around in utility mode,
142, operating modes description, 21, other setup, 149, song voice
memory, 143, synthesizer setup, 145
VELOCITY, description of keyboard velocity sensitivity control, 51,
element pitch sensitivity, 118, filter velocity band sensitivity, 116,
filter velocity sensitivity, 116, key velocity description, 31, normal
voice element velocity limit, 112, step recording, 90, synthesizer
setup, 145
VELOCITY CURVE, synthesizer setup, 145
VELOCITY LIMIT, normal voice element parameter, 112
VELOCITY SENSITIVITY, amplitude level parameter, 113, description of
keyboard velocity sensitivity control, 51, element pitch sensitivity,
118, filter, 116, step recording, 90
VOICE, difference between a normal voice and a drum voice, 58, drum
voice category common parameter, 125, element diagram, 30,
exploring the preset voices, 45, how to select a voice, 46, load from
disk, 138, normal and drum voice mixer channel diagram, 24,
normal voice category common parameter, 110, normal voices and
drum voices, 106, recalling the factory set internal voices, 144,
reloading the factory set voice data, 66, song voice memory
description, 38, store voice, 39, store voice, 130, storing a voice,
108, system effect voice send level setting, 77, system effect voice
send level, 80, voice banks description and type list, 25, voice bulk
dump, 144, voice categories, 27, voice control, 105, voice edit
mode, 108, voice mode, 106, voice pitch bend range setting, 78,
voice play mode, 107, voice select, 36, voice select, 76, voice
volume, 36, volume, 77
VOICE BANK, chart of list and description of each, 49, description and
type list, 25, how to select, 48, how to select, 78, reloading the
factory set voice data, 66
VOICE BANK SELECT, song multi screen, 37
VOICE BULK DUMP, utility mode, 144
VOICE CATEGORY, definition and type list, 27, diagram, 47, drum
voice common parameter, 125, normal voice common parameter,
VOICE CONTROL, ways to control a voice, 105
VOICE DATA, reloading the factory set voice data, 66
VOICE DIRECTORY, how to access, 78, song multi screen, 37
VOICE EDIT BUTTON, front panel diagram description, 13
VOICE EDIT MODE, accessing filter parameters, 116, accessing normal
voice edit parameters, 109, amplitude, 113, drum voice controller,
128, drum voice edit mode, 124, drum voice effect, 127, element
note shift, 118, feature reference, 108, filter envelope generator, 116,
filter, 115, LFO, 121, normal voice controller, 122, normal voice
edit mode, 109, normal voice effect, 119, operating modes
description, 20, pitch, 117
VOICE EDITING, accessing drum voice edit parameters, 124, accessing
normal voice edit parameters, 109, drum voice edit mode, 124,
normal voice edit mode, 109, overview, 33, steps in editing a voice,
VOICE MODE, feature reference, 106, operating modes description, 20
VOICE NAME, drum voice common parameter, 125, normal voice
common parameter, 110
VOICE PAN, song multi screen, 36