
Quick GuideUsing the Controllers—Advanced Course
Controllers supported by the S90 ES
Owner’s Manual
4 Depth
Determines the amount by which the parameter selected in Destination can be controlled. For negative values, the controller
operation is reversed.
n The Controller Set edited in the Voice Edit mode is available when the corresponding Voice is selected in the Performance and Multi.
n The functions assigned to the Controller by the Controller Set function are applied only to the internal tone generator block. For connected external
MIDI instruments, use of the controllers generates separate MIDI Control Change numbers, as shown in the Source parameter.
n Even if a different function is assigned to this wheel, the Pitch Bend function is available and Pitch Bend messages are still generated when the wheel
is used.
Controlling the overall system with ASSIGN A and B
The ASSIGN A and B (Control slider 1 and 2) settings let you control the functions that affect all Voices, Performances, and
You can store the ASSIGN A and B settings as the system settings by pressing the [STORE] button.
n ASSIGN A and B are common to all Voices/Performances/Multis. Changing the setting of ASSIGN A and B may result in changes to the data of stored
User Voices/Performances/Multis.
Determines the Control Change numbers generated when controlling the ASSIGN A and B (Control sliders 1 and 2).
Normally, there is no need to change these parameters. The general features used for the control numbers are indicated in
the parentheses.
2 Destination (function)
Determines the functions assigned to ASSIGN A and B. For the details about the abbreviations and the parameter types,
refer to the Control List in the separate Data List booklet.
Assigning multiple functions to a controller
You can have a single controller affect different aspects of the sound at the same time. For example, set the Source
parameter of Control Set 1 to MW (Modulation wheel) and the Destination parameter to ELFO-PM (Element LFO Pitch
Modulation Depth). Then set the Source parameter of Control Set 2 also to MW, but set the Destination parameter to
ELM PAN (Element Pan). In this example, when you move the Modulation Wheel upward, the amount of Pitch
Modulation increases accordingly, and the Element is simultaneously panned from left to right.
[UTILITY] [F4] CTL ASN [SF2] ASSIGN (page 165 )