Voice mode
Multi modeUtility modeFile modeMaster mode
Multi Voice
Sequence Play
File mode
Owner’s Manual
File types that can be handled by the S90 ES
File types that can be saved from the instrument to the USB storage device [FILE] → [F2] SAVE → TYPE
n A “All” file does not include the “Plugin All Bulk 1-3” data.
File types that can be loaded from USB storage device to the instrument [FILE] → [F3] LOAD → TYPE
n The “All” and “All Voice” files using the S90, MOTIF ES, or MOTIF can be loaded to the S90 ES (*.W4A, *.W7A, *.W2A, *.W4V, *.W7V, *.W2V).
However, the Voices may not produce the exact same sound as those on the original instrument, since the contents of the preset Waveforms and the Effect structure are different
between the two instrument series.
TYPE File extension Description
All *.S7A All data in this synthesizer’s internal User Memory is treated as a single file, and can be saved.
All Voice *.S7V All the User Voice data in this synthesizer’s internal User Memory is treated as a single file, and can be
Chain *.S7C The Chain data in the Sequence Play mode can be saved.
Plugin All Bulk 1-3 *.W2B All the data of a Plug-in board (Board Voice data created by using the editor software that comes with the
Plug-in Board and the Board related settings in the Utility mode) is treated as a single file, and can be
saved. The numbers 1, 2, and 3 correspond to the Plug-in slots.
Voice Editor *.S7E All the User Voice data stored to User Banks is handled as a single file and saved. The saved file can be
loaded to the Voice Editor software (page 77) on your computer.
TYPE File extension Description
All *.S7A Files of the “All” type can be loaded and restored to the instrument.
When the box at the left of “without System” is checkmarked, only the Utility mode settings will not be
All Voice *.S7V
(*.W7V, *.W4V, *.W2V)
Files of the “All Voice” type can be loaded and restored to the instrument.
Voice *.S7A, *.S7V
(*.W7A, *.W4A, *.W2A,
*.W7V, *.W4V, *.W2V)
A specified voice in a file that is saved as “All” or “All Voice” type can be individually selected and loaded to
the instrument. Please note that the file icons of “All” and “All Voice” are changed to (as virtual
folders) when this file type is selected (Quick Guide on page 52).
Performance *.S7A A specified performance in a file that is saved as an “All” type can be individually selected and loaded to
the instrument. Please note that the file icon of “All” is changed to (as a virtual folder) when this file
type is selected (Quick Guide on page 58).
Chain *.S7C Files of the “Chain” type can be loaded and restored to the instrument.
Plugin All Bulk 1-3 *.W2B A file that is saved as “Plugin All Bulk 1, 2, 3” type can be loaded and restored to the Plug-in board installed
to the instrument. Please note that the same Plug-in Boards should be installed to the same slots as when
the file was saved.
Voice Editor *.S7E Voice data edited with the Voice Editor software (page 77) on your computer can be loaded to the
User Arp *.W7G Files of the “Usr ARP” type saved using the Yamaha MOTIF ES can be loaded and restored to the