Quick Guide Using the Controllers—Advanced Course
Controllers supported by the S90 ES
Owner’s Manual
When the Half Damper function is set to on (only FC3)
By connecting an optional FC3 foot controller, you can use the Half Damper feature. The Half Damper feature reproduces
the fine control of an acoustic piano's damper pedal to control the sustain over time: pressing the pedal fully down makes
the sound last longer, while letting up on the pedal part of the way slightly mutes the sustained sound. Effective use of the
Half Damper feature lets you play piano sounds more expressively and realistically.
When the Half Damper function is set to off
By pressing the footswitch (sustain) on/off, you can control whether the sound is cut off or continues playing, even when the
keys are released.
Keep in mind that some sounds may not be suitable for use in all situations with the Sustain footswitch. For example, for
organ sounds that have no natural decay, the sound continues at the same level when holding down the Sustain footswitch.
On the other hand, many sounds benefit from the use of Sustain, such as piano, which has a natural decay when a note is
You can switch the Half Damper function on or off in the following parameters:
n Keep in mind that two separate parameters must be set to on in order to use the Half Damper function.
n The on/off setting of the half-damper feature automatically affects the AEG (Amplitude Envelope Generator) settings. For details, refer to page 114.
n The default setting for the SusPedal parameter is “FC (Half On).” When using the FC4 or FC5, make sure to change this setting, depending on the
particular footswitch you are using.
■ Foot Controller
An optional Foot Controller (such as the FC7), connected to the FOOT CONTROLLER jack on the rear panel, can be
assigned to control a variety of parameters on the instrument. By using a foot controller for parameter control in this way,
both your hands are left free to play the keyboard (or to operate other controllers)—an exceptional convenience when
playing live.
Controlling a Voice with Controller Set
Each of the Preset Voices of S90 ES is programmed with appropriate Modulation Wheel and Control slider assignments, for
adjusting the sound and effects in ways that best match the selected Voice.
For example, you can apply the chorus effect by using the Modulation Wheel in a piano Voice and control the decay time
parameter using the Control slider in a bass guitar Voice. The settings for all the controllers are referred to as a “Controller
Set.” These Controller Set settings can be stored with the User Voice.
1 Element Switch
Select whether the controller will affect each individual Element.
Keep in mind that some destinations affect only the entire Voice (all Elements). In this case, the Element Switch parameter
will be indicated by “----” and cannot be changed. This applies only to Normal Voices.
2 Source (controller)
Determines the desired controller. For details about the abbreviations for each controller, see page 131.
The number in brackets indicates the Control Change number generated when moving the controller.
3 Destination (function)
Determines the function assigned to the Source (controller). For the details about the abbreviations and the parameter types,
refer to the Control List in the separate Data List booklet.
[UTILITY] → [F4] CTL ASN → [SF3] FT SW → SusPedal (page 165)
[VOICE] → Voice selection → [EDIT] → Element selection → [SF3] AEG → Half Damper switch parameter (page 138)
[VOICE] → Voice selection → [EDIT] → [COMMON] → [F4] CTL SET (page 131)
Switch the display for each Controller Set by using the [SF1] - [SF3] buttons