Voice mode
Multi modeUtility modeFile modeMaster mode
Multi Voice
Sequence Play
Voice Edit mode Normal Voice Edit Element Edit
Owner’s Manual
[SF5] SCALE (Filter Scaling)
Filter Scaling controls the filter cutoff frequency according to the positions of the notes on the keyboard. You
can divide the entire keyboard by four break points, and assign different offset values of Cutoff Frequency to
them respectively. Refer to the setting example on page 147.
Settings: BREAK POINT 1 ~ 4: C-2 ~ G8
OFFSET 1 ~ 4: 128 ~ 0 ~ +127
n You can also set the Break Point directly from the Keyboard, by holding down the [INFORMATION] button and pressing
the desired key.
[F4] AMP (Amplitude)
[SF1] LVL/PAN (Level/Pan)
This display not only lets you make basic Level and Pan settings for each individual Element, it also gives you
some detailed and unusual parameters for affecting Pan position.
Level Determines the output level for the selected Element.
Settings: 0 ~ 127
Pan Determines the stereo Pan position for the selected Element. This will also be used as the basic Pan position
for the Alternate, Random and Scale settings.
Settings: L63 (Left) ~ C (Center) ~ R63 (Right)
AlternatePan Determines the amount by which the sound of the selected Element is panned alternately left and right for each
note you press. The Pan setting (above) is used as the basic Pan position.
Settings: L64 ~ 0 ~ R63
RandomPan Determines the amount by which the sound of the selected Element is panned randomly left and right for each
note you press. The Pan setting is used as the Center Pan position.
Settings: 0 ~ 127
ScalingPan Determines the degree to which the notes (specifically, their position or octave range) affect the Pan position,
left and right, of the selected Element. At note C3, the main Pan setting (above) is used for the basic Pan
Settings: -64 ~ 0 ~ +63
(Velocity Sensitivity)
From this display you can determine how the Amplitude (volume) EG responds to velocity.
EG Time,
Determines the velocity sensitivity of the AEG’s Time parameters.
Select the Segment first, then set its Time parameter. Positive Time settings will play back the specified
Segment faster in proportion to the played velocity and negative values will play it back slower.
Settings: EG Time: -64 ~0 ~+63
Settings: Segment: atk, atk+dcy, dcy, atk+rls, all
atk (attack) ............................EG Time Value affects Attack time.
atk+dcy (attack + decay)......EG Time Value affects Attack/Decay1 time.
dcy (decay)...........................EG Time Value affects Decay time.
atk+rls (attack + release)......EG Time Value affects Attack/Release time.
all ..........................................EG Time Value affects all AEG Time parameters.
Determines the velocity sensitivity of the Amplitude EG Level. For positive settings, the more strongly you play
the keyboard, the more the volume changes. Negative settings do the opposite; the more softly you play, the
more the volume changes. The Curve parameter lets you select from five different preset velocity curves
(graphically indicated in the display), that determine how velocity affects the Amplitude EG.
Settings: Level: 64 ~ 0 ~ +63
Curve: 0 ~ 4
Center key
Center key
Amount of cutoff
frequency change
Positive value
Higher rangeLower range
Slower speed
Faster speed
Negative value
When Cutoff Sensitivity is set to 100
Cutoff Sensitivity and Center Key
EG Time Sensitivity and Center Key