24 Chapter 2—Control Surface & Rear Panel
02R96—Owner’s Manual
AD Input Section
AD Input #1 is shown at the top; AD Inputs #17 and #18 below
A INPUT A & B (BAL) connectors
AD Inputs 1 through 16 feature balanced XLR-3-31-type connectors and balanced 1/4-inch
phone jacks, both with a nominal input range of –60 dB to +10 dB. Phantom powering
(+48 V) is supplied to the XLR-type connectors, with individual ON/OFF switches on each
input. The phone jacks, which can also be used with unbalanced phone plugs, have priority
over the XLR-type connectors, so when a phone plug is inserted, the XLR-type connector
is disconnected. AD Inputs 17–24 feature balanced 1/4-inch phone jacks. AD Inputs can be
patched individually to the Input Channels or Insert Ins. See “AD Input Section” on page
39 for more information.
B INSERT I/O +4dB (UNBAL) connectors (AD 1–16)
These unbalanced 1/4-inch TRS phone jacks are used to insert external signal processors,
etc., into AD Inputs 1 through 16. They are wired: sleeve–ground, ring–return, tip–send.
The nominal signal level is +4 dB. Inserts can be turned on and off individually by using the
INSERT ON/OFF switches. See “AD Input Section” on page 39 for more information.
Analog Master I/O Section
These balanced 1/4-inch TRS phone jacks, nominal output
level +4 dB, output the analog Studio Monitor signal for
monitoring in the actual studio. The source, which is
selected by using the STUDIO buttons in the MONITOR
section, can be Aux Send #7, Aux Send #8, the Stereo Out, or Control Room. The output
Male XLR plug
1 (ground)
3 (cold)
2 (hot)
1/4" TRS phone plug
Tip (hot)
Ring (cold)
Sleeve (ground)
1/4" phone plug
1/4" phone plug
1/4" TRS phone plug
To processor's input
From processor's output
Connect to INSERT jack
Tip (send)
Tip (send)
Ring (return)
Sleeve (ground)
Sleeve (ground)
Tip (return)
Sleeve (ground)
21 3
4 5 6
1/4" TRS phone plug
Tip (hot)
Ring (cold)
Sleeve (ground)