Basic Elements 23
Xilinx Blocks
Chapter 3
Xilinx Blocks
This chapter describes each Xilinx block in detail. Xilinx blocks are grouped within six
categories, also shown in the Simulink library browser. They are:
• Basic Elements
• Communication
• Math
• Memory
• State Machine
Basic Elements
The Xilinx Basic Elements library includes the standard building blocks for digital
designs. Using these blocks, you may insert delay, change the sample rate, and
introduce constants, counters, multiplexers, etc. The Basic Elements library also has
two special blocks: the System Generator and the Black Box.
System Generator
The System Generator is a special Xilinx block that invokes the tool’s
code generation software.
By placing the System Generator token on your Simulink project sheet,
you can generate HDL and Xilinx LogiCOREs for all the Xilinx blocks
on that sheet and on any sheets beneath it in the hierarchy. The System
Generator block parameters dialog box allows you to tailor your
Simulink simulation and code generation.