142 Xilinx Development System
Xilinx System Generator v2.1 Reference Guide
• pn_posttranslate.do - this file will run a simulation on the output of the
Xilinx translation (ngdbuild) step, the first step of implementation.
• pn_postmap.do - to run a simulation after your design has been mapped. This
file also includes a back-annotated simulation on the post-mapped design.
• pn_postpar.do - to run a simulation after your design has been placed and
routed. This file also includes a back-annotated simulation step.
If you select the testbench file in the Project Navigator sources module view, you will
see the four types of simulation available in the Process window.
Figure 5-5: Processes associated with testbench in Project Navigator
The System Generator has already associated the four ModelSim do files with each of
the four types of simulation. To see what do files will run when each type of
simulation is run, you can select one of the simulation steps, right-click, and select
Figure 5-6: Properties of simulation process
The simulation properties dialog box will show that the System Generator do file is
already associated as a custom do file for this process.
Figure 5-7: Custom do file associated with simulation process
Now if you double-click on the simulation process you wish to run, the ModelSim
console will open, and the associated custom do file will be used to compile and run
your System Generator testbench. The testbench is using the input stimuli that were
used in Simulink, and comparing the results with the corresponding outputs that