
Memory 105
Xilinx Blocks
Xilinx LogiCORE
The block uses the Xilinx LogiCORE: Dual Port Block Memory v3.2 The address
width must be equal to
where d denotes the memory depth.
The tables below show the widths that are acceptable for each depth.
The Core datasheet can be found on your local disk at:
Table: Maximum Width for Various Depth Ranges (Virtex/Virtex-E)
Depth Width
2 to 512 256
513 to 1024 256
1025 to 2048 256
2049 to 4096 192
4097 to 8192 96
8193 to 16K 48
16K+1 to 32K 24
32K+1 to 64K 12
64K+1 to 128K 6
128K+1 to 256K 3
Table: Maximum Width for Various Depth Ranges (Virtex-II)
Depth Width
2 to 512 256
513 to 1024 256
1025 to 2048 256
2049 to 4096 192
4097 to 8192 96
8193 to 16K 48
16K+1 to 32K 24
32K+1 to 64K 12
64K+1 to 128K 6
128K+1 to 256K 3
256K+1 to 512K 6
512K+1 to 1024K 3