112 Xilinx Development System
Xilinx System Generator v2.1 Reference Guide
• Read After Write
• Read Before Write
• No Read On Write
The write modes can be described with the help of the figure shown below. In the
figure the memory has been set to an initial value of 5 and the address bit is specified
as 4. When using No Read On Write mode, the output is unaffected by the address line
and the output is the same as the last output when the WE was 0. For the other two
modes, the output is obtained from the location specified by the address line, and
hence is the value of the location being written to. This means that the output can be
either the old value (Read Before Write mode), or the new value (Read After Write
Figure 3-75: Illustration of write modes
Virtex, Virtex-E, and Spartan-II FPGA families support only Read After Write mode.
Virtex-II supports all modes.