State Machine 119
Xilinx Blocks
Xilinx LogiCORE
This block uses Version 3.2 of the Xilinx Single Port Block Memory LogiCORE and
Version 5.0 of the Xilinx Distributed RAM LogiCORE.
The Core datasheet for the Single Port Block Memory may be found locally at:
The Core datasheet for the Distributed Memory may be found on your local disk at:
Registered Mealy State Machine
The Xilinx Registered Mealy State Machine block implements
a state machine whose output depends on both the current
state and input. This block is like the Mealy State Machine
block, except that its output logic is registered.
A block diagram of this type of state machine is shown below:
Figure 3-84: Registered Mealy State Machine block diagram
The block is configured by providing next state and output matrices. These matrices
are defined by the state machine’s next state/output table. For example, consider the
problem of designing a state machine to recognize the pattern ’1011’ within a serial