66 www.xilinx.com Development System Reference Guide
Chapter 3: Tcl
instance_name specifies the name of the instance you wish to know the available processes
new (create a new ISE project)
The project new command creates a new ISE project.
% project new <project_name>
project is the name of the Xilinx Tcl command.
new is the name of the project subcommand.
project_name specifies the name for the ISE project you wish to create.
open (open an ISE project)
The project open command opens an existing ISE project. If the project does not exist, an
error message to create a new project with the project new command appears.
% project open <project_name>
project is the name of the Xilinx Tcl command.
open is the name of the project subcommand.
project_name specifies the name for the ISE project you wish to open.
Example: % project get_processes [-instance Inst_dcm1]
Description: In this example, the project get_processes command is used to list all
of the available processes for only the instance, Inst_dcm1.
Tcl Return: The available processes as a text string. In this example, a list of
processes for Inst_dcm1 is returned.
Example: % project new watchver.ise
Description: In this example, a new ISE project named watchver.ise is created in
the current directory.
Tcl Return: The name of the new ISE project.
Example: % project open watchver.ise
Description: In this example, the watchver.ise project in the current directory is
Tcl Return: The name of the open ISE project.