Development System Reference Guide www.xilinx.com 231
TRACE Reports
Summary Report (Without a Physical Constraints File Specified)
The following sample summary report represents the output of this TRACE command.
trce –o summary.twr ramb16_s1.ncd
The name of the report is summary.twr. No preference file is specified on the command
line, and the directory containing the file ram16_s1.ncd did not contain a PCF called
Xilinx TRACE
Copyright (c) 1995-2005 Xilinx, Inc. All rights reserved.
Design file: ramb16_s1.ncd
Device,speed: xc2v250,-6
Report level: summary report
WARNING:Timing - No timing constraints found, doing default
Asterisk (*) preceding a constraint indicates it was not met.
Constraint | Requested | Actual | Logic
| | | Levels
Default period analysis | | 2.840ns | 2
Default net enumeration | | 0.001ns |
All constraints were met.
Data Sheet report:
All values displayed in nanoseconds (ns)
Setup/Hold to clock clk
| Setup to | Hold to |
Source Pad | clk (edge) | clk (edge) |
ad0 | 0.263(R)| 0.555(R)|
ad1 | 0.263(R)| 0.555(R)|
ad10 | 0.263(R)| 0.555(R)|
ad11 | 0.263(R)| 0.555(R)|
ad12 | 0.263(R)| 0.555(R)|
ad13 | 0.263(R)| 0.555(R)|
Clock clk to Pad
| clk (edge) |
Destination Pad| to PAD |
d0 | 7.496(R)|