250 www.xilinx.com Development System Reference Guide
Chapter 12: TRACE
At the end of the path is the total amount of the delay followed by a break down of logic vs
routing. This is useful information for debugging a timing failure. For more information
see Timing Improvement Wizard for suggestions on how to fix a timing issues.
Constraints Improvement Wizard
Data Path: wr_addr[0] to fifo_ram/BU5/SP
Location Delay type Delay(ns) Logical Resource(s)
------------------------------------------------- ---------------
SLICE_X2Y4.YQ Tcko 0.568 wr_addr[0]
SLICE_X6Y8.WF1 net (fanout=112) 2.721 wr_addr[0]
SLICE_X6Y8.CLK Tas 0.522 fifo_ram/BU5/SP
------------------------------------------------- ---------------
Total 3.811ns (1.090ns logic,
2.721ns route)
(28.6% logic, 71.4% route)
PERIOD Constraint with PHASE
This is a PERIOD constraint for a clock with Phase. It is a constraint created by the
Translate (ngdbuild) step. It is related back to the TS_rclk constraint with a PHASE of 2.5
ns added. The clock is the CLK90 output of the DCM. Since the PERIOD constraint is 10 ns
the clock phase from the CLK90 output is 2.5 ns, one-fourth of the original constraint. This
is defined using the PHASE keyword.
Timing constraint: TS_rclk_90_dcm = PERIOD TIMEGRP "rclk_90_dcm"
TS_rclk * 1.000000 PHASE + 2.500
nS HIGH 50.000 % ;
6 items analyzed, 1 timing error detected.
Minimum period is 21.484ns.