396 www.xilinx.com Development System Reference Guide
Application-specific integrated circuit (ASIC), is a full-custom circuit.
In which every mask is defined by the customer or a semi-custom
circuit (gate array) where only a few masks are defined.
Attributes are instructions placed on symbols or nets in an FPGA or
CPLD schematic to indicate their placement, implementation,
naming, directionality, or other properties.I
Back-annotation is the translation of a routed or fitted design to a
timing simulation netlist.
behavioral design
Behavioral design is a technology-independent, text-based design that
incorporates high-level functionality and high-level information flow.
behavioral design method
A behavioral design method defines a circuit in terms of a textual
language rather than a schematic of interconnected symbols.
behavioral simulation
Also known as functional simulation. Behavioral simulation is usually
performed on designs that are entered using a hardware definition
language (HDL).
This type of simulation takes place during the pre-synthesis stage of
HDL design. Functional simulation checks that the HDL code
describes the desired design behavior.
Behavioral simulation is a simulation process that is performed by
interpreting the equations that define the design. The equations do not
need to be converted to the logic that represents them.
Binary is a numbering system based on base 2 with only two digits, 0
and 1.
Unsigned binary refers to non-negative binary representation.
A bit is a a binary digit representing 0 or 1.
BIT file
A BIT file is the same as a bitstream file. See bitstream.