410 www.xilinx.com Development System Reference Guide
A library is a set of macros, such as adders, buffers, and flip-flops that
is part of the Xilinx interface. A library is used to create schematic
A load is an input port.
Logic is one of the three major classes of ICs in most digital electronic
systems: microprocessors, memory, and logic. Logic is used for data
manipulation and control functions that require higher speed than a
microprocessor can provide.
logical annotation
The method of back-annotation that uses the old .ngm and .ncd to
attempt to back-annotate the physical information (physical delays)
back into the logical (.ngd) file.
logic allocation file
A logic allocation file, design.ll file, designates a file used for probing.
The file provides bit locations of the values of RAM, I/O, latches, and
logic optimization
Logic optimization is the process that decreases the area or increases
the speed of a design.
A longline connects to a primary global net or to any secondary global
net. Each CLB has four dedicated vertical longlines. These lines are
very fast.
look-up table (LUT)
A Look-Up Table (LUT), implements Boolean functions.
See function generator.
Low is a logical state for which no output is generated.
An LSB, or least significant bit, is the left-most bit of the bus bounds or
indexes. In one-hot and twos-complement encoding, the LSB is the
right-most bit.