Upgrading PCCharge
Note: The following section pertains only to those users who are upgrading
their existing copy of PCCharge. If you are installing PCCharge for the first
time, you can skip ahead to the section Installation (see page 21).
The following instructions may be followed AFTER completing the steps in the previous
section, Upgrade Preparation. We recommend that you work with whoever generally uses
or originally installed PCCharge. Make a check next to each step after its completion.
WARNING: Failure to observe proper upgrade procedure may result in loss
of data and/or program functionality.
__ 1. Review the section System Requirements to make sure that your system meets the
requirements of PCCharge (see page 14). The system requirements may have
changed since you last installed PCCharge.
__ 2. Review the PCCharge Appendices to find out if your payment processing company
has changed its merchant account settings and/or requirements. Your payment
processing company may have changed the way it does business since you last
installed PCCharge.
• To access the PCCharge Appendices before you have installed PCCharge,
you'll need to look on the PCCharge installation CD.
o Insert the PCCharge installation CD into your computer.
o The PCCharge installer should automatically appear. If it does, click
Cancel, and then click Exit Setup.
o Click the Windows Start button, and then click Run. Enter the letter of your
CDROM drive followed by a colon. Most users should input D: and click
the OK button.
o Look for the file named Payment Server Appendices. Double-click it
to view the PCCharge Appendices in Adobe PDF format.
__ 3. If you are upgrading using a PCCharge Payment Server CD-ROM, you'll use the
standard installation process described in the next section. Be sure to use the
program directory of your existing PCCharge Payment Server when asked to select a
destination directory. Skip step 4 and proceed to the next section, Installation.
__ 4. If you are upgrading using a PCCharge Payment Server installation file received via
the Internet, complete the following steps.
• The file received from VeriFone, Inc. will almost always be named Setup.exe.
• Locate Setup.exe. It will be in whatever directory you specified when you
downloaded the file. You may need to detach the file, if it was sent via e-mail.
• Double-click Setup.exe. You may now follow the steps in the next section,
Installation, beginning with the step Welcome!. Be sure to specify the program
directory of your existing PCCharge Pro when asked to select a destination