
Click the OK button to return to the Receipt Printer Setup window.
8. If you selected Standard Printer for your Printer Type, configure the following
Select the Orientation that you want for your printed receipts. You may select a
Portrait or Landscape orientation.
Set your Margins. The values for the margins are displayed in twips. There are
1440 twips in an inch, so the default setting of 720 twips is equal to one-half of an
inch. The margin settings allow you to place the receipt information in different
areas of the page to permit the use of preprinted invoices. We recommend that
you leave these settings at their default values. You should wait until you see
your printed receipts before you modify these values.
The Configure Contract button configures contracts printed for PCCharge's
recurring billing functionality. It does not apply to standard report printer setup, so
you may safely ignore it for now. This feature is described in a later section:
Recurring and Installment Billing. Skip ahead to step 10.
9. If you selected Roll Printer for your Printer Type, configure the following settings:
Set this value to the column width appropriate for your roll printer. The default
value (40 characters) will be acceptable for most users. You should wait until you
see your printed receipts before you modify this value.
10. Click the Comments button. PCCharge will display the Receipt Comment Setup
window. This feature allows you to include a customized message at the end of your
receipt. The comment section can be up to five (5) lines long, with each line being no
longer than forty (40) characters. Click OK to save your comments.
11. Click the OK button to return to the main PCCharge window. You may now print out a
test receipt by completing a test transaction (see page 81), or you may proceed to the
next section, Example Receipt With Comments (see page 103).
Tested Receipt Printers
We test PCCharge with a wide range of hardware in a variety of conditions. If you have
hardware not shown on this list and are able use it successfully with your copy of
PCCharge, please contact us at
feedback@pccharge.com and inform us of your results.
Set up each device as specified in the Notes column. If no additional information is given
(other than the device to be selected from the drop-down list in PCCharge), use the default
settings listed above.
Note: Windows' generic text printer drivers were used for all printers that were
tested on Windows 2003.