Simple Explanation: One of the advantages of host-based systems is
that they provide you with the ability to perform an inquiry. The End-of-Day
Batch Management window allows you to connect to your payment
processing company and get a summarized report of all the transactions
they've recorded as being in your currently open batch.
If your processing company is terminal based, skip ahead to the section Settle
(see page 183).
Performing a Batch Inquiry
Note: The window shown here is only one of several possible End-of-Day
Batch Management windows. Each host-based processing company has
different options available for inquiries.
1. Click Transactions on the menu bar. Click the End-of-Day option.
2. The Select Merchant Number window will appear. Make sure that the desired
merchant account number is selected. Click the OK button.
Note: Currently, no gift card processing companies require that you manually
close your batch, so no inquiry function is necessary for gift card processing