
4. Choose the transaction you want to void by clicking its row.
5. Click the Select button.
6. PCCharge will return to the Credit Card Transactions window and automatically fill
out that screen with the necessary details of the original Sale transaction. Click
Process or View List once more. PCCharge will contact the processing company and
attempt to process the transaction.
Note: The Select Transaction window can be used with any credit card
processing company, whether host based or terminal based. However,
PCCharge cannot know if individual transactions have been closed when using
host based processing companies (since closure happens at the host).
Therefore, all host based credit card transactions present in the database will be
shown here, whether or not the host has closed them.
Select Transaction Column Headings
The following descriptions are given for those column headings present in the table in the
Select Transaction window.
TroutD -- This field displays the TroutD (transaction routing ID) number assigned to the
transaction by PCCharge. Individual Sales are each assigned their own TroutD. Any
follow-up transaction performed on the original Sale is assigned the same TroutD as the
original Sale.
Entering the TroutD in a follow-up transaction's window is another way of referring to the
original transaction.