Simple Explanation: The End-of-Day Batch Management window
allows you to re-transmit your transaction information to your payment
processing company. Host based re-transmission is called closing. If your
processing company is terminal based, skip ahead to the section Settle (see
page 183).
Closing initiates the transfer of funds from the customers' accounts to your
account. We recommend that most merchants close their batches once per
business day.
If your account is set up to automatic (time initiated) close, you don't need to
worry about closing your batch. Your payment processing company takes care
of that for you. Double-check with your processing company to make sure of
how your account is set up!
Note: With a host-based system, the Close button may be grayed out. This
may be because your account is set up for automatically closure by your
payment processing company. Double-check with your processing company to
make sure of how your account is set up!
WARNING: Closure is a necessary part of host based payment processing,
regardless of whether your batch is manually or automatically closed. If your
batch is not closed, your payment processing company will not initiate the
transfer of funds from your customers' accounts to your account (and vice
versa). Double-check with your processing company to make sure of how your
account is set up!
Closing Your Batch
1. Click Transactions on the menu bar. Click the End-of-Day option.
2. The Select Merchant Number window will appear. Make sure that the desired
merchant account number is selected. Click the OK button.