
F3200 Installation & Programming Manual Document No: LT0122
Page 6-20 5 July 2001 Issue 2.7 TEXT PROGRAMMING WITH A PC
F3200 allows the text names for zones, relays, etc, to be entered from a PC using the F3200
printer port.
F3200 software V1.00 does not support this feature at all. Software V1.10 and V2.00 support
all the commands with the exception of the fault action text (F command). Software V2.01
onwards adds support for the F command. This feature is present in standard F3200
panels, networked F3200 panels, and the NDU. V2.07 adds the Tandem LCD password.
To program text from a PC enter program mode using the keypad and LCD in the usual way
and select programming of text.
When the LCD is showing the Text entry menu:
Text 1:Site 2:Zone 3:Relay 4:Anc relay 5:Alarm text 6:Fault text 7:Tandem pwd
the PC connected to the printer/programmer serial port is able to enter text.
The LCD must remain showing this menu. Pressing any keys on the F3200 front panel
keypad will terminate the entry of text from the PC. To initiate the entry of text, the ENTER
key must first be pressed on the PC. A Tandem LCD user with a local connection must
press the EDIT key to get into text entry mode at this point and terminate the text entry by
typing Q ENTER.
This will give a prompt of: Enter Znn, Rnn, An, S, Tn, In, F, P, Q :
The type of text being entered must first be selected by entering one of the options listed
followed by the ENTER key. Lower case z, r, a, s, t, i, f, p or q may be used if desired. Any
other characters entered will be ignored.
To exit from the serial port text
Programming process type: Q ENTER
or press the CLEAR key on the F3200 keypad.
To enter a zone name type: Znn ENTER
where nn is the zone number (1-64).
To enter a module relay name type: Rnn ENTER
where nn is the module relay number (1-64).
To enter an ancillary relay name type: An ENTER
where n = 1, 2 or 3.
To enter the site name type: S ENTER
To enter an alarm text type: Tn ENTER
where n is the alarm text number (1 to 9).
To enter an access code user initials type: In ENTER
where n is the access code (user number 0 to 9).
To enter Fault action text type: F ENTER
To enter the Tandem LCD password type: P ENTER
If a valid selection is entered the message:
"Enter Text :"
will appear. The desired text should now be entered, followed by ENTER.