
Document No: LT0122 F3200 Installation & Programming Manual
Programming System Configuration
Issue 2.7 5 July 2001 Page 7-21
NEV New Zealand mode evac defect input true.
NMA True if 1 or more non MAF-mapped zones are in alarm.
NMF True if 1 or more non MAF-mapped zones or non MAF-mapped module/ancillary
relays are in fault.
NML For Australian operation, the NML token is false if any of the conditions (including
network states) which cause either the Brigade Alarm or Brigade Fault relay to
operate (if not controlled by output logic) are true. Note this does not include
conditions which cause the standby relay to de-energise and do not energise Brigade
Defect (e.g. fuse blown, database checksum error). The SFT token includes
conditions which de-energise standby but not Brigade Fault.
For New Zealand operation the NML token is true if there are no abnormal
NSA New Zealand mode local silence alarms operated.
ODR True if the outer door is currently open.
PLI True if the "Plant" flag is set to isolated.
The PLI token may be used to isolate a set of relays from the single option on the
Ancillary Isolate key menu. The equation of each relay to be isolated must take the
form Rn = (eqn) .^PLI.
The PLI token is not mapped to the MAF (i.e. Plant Isolate does not operate the
Brigade Isolate relay, common Isolate LEDs, etc). To have the Isolate relay operate
on PLI it is necessary to program it as follows: ISO = ISO + PLI.
When PLI is true, the Ancillary Isolated LED is on (as it is if either ancillary relay 1 or
2 is isolated, or any module relay is isolated).
RST When the "RESET" key is pressed with the base display selected this returns true for
between 1 and 2 complete passes of all output logic equations.
STS True if a system test or auto test is currently in progress.
SOA This is available in V2.07 or later software and is true when the alarm buzzer is
currently sounding.
SOF This is available in V2.07 or later software and is true when the fault buzzer is
currently sounding.
SFT True if any system fault is present (refer to Operator's Manual Section 6.6.3).
TEV New Zealand mode local trial evac operated.