
F3200 Installation & Programming Manual Document No: LT0122
Configuring a FIP
Page 5-6 5 July 2001 Issue 2.7
Suggest that two 12V, 10 Ahr sealed batteries from list in Section 3.3.3. would be
adequate (or next size up, e.g. 17 Ahrs).
Note that these require a 68E, 10W battery test resistor to be fitted to the tabs on the
MAF/PSU as described in Section 5.3.5.
The maximum battery size given in the specification, Section 3.3.3, of 220mm x 220mm x
175mm, is imposed by the cardframe, which obstructs insertion and removal of batteries in
the bottom of the cabinet.
The maximum sizes which fit within this size are:
Sonnenschein A212/36A 36 AHr
Powersonic PS-12400 40 Ahr
Yuasa NP38-12 38 Ahr
Century Yuasa PS-12400 40 Ahr
IRH BB Battery BP40-12 40 Ahr
Panasonic LC-X1242P(AP) 42 Ahr
YHZ Power NP38-12 38 Ahr
If batteries larger than this are required, then the cardframe can be made removable by
replacing the 3 pop rivets with M4 or M5 screws and nuts.
For an FP0550, or an FP0551 with a removable cardframe, the maximum allowable size is
220H x 260W x 175D.
The maximum sizes which fit within this restriction are:
Sonnenschein A212/50A 50 Ahr
Powersonic PS-12600 60 Ahr
Yuasa NP38-12 38 Ahr
Fitting and removing batteries of this maximum size is difficult, and may require the removal
of any modules or brackets fitted in the bottom of the cabinet.
These very large size batteries may also impede the plugging in and removal of modules
fitted to the bottom position of the cardframe.
Battery Combinations
Large capacity batteries can be made up of two parallel sets of 24V batteries of smaller
capacities. This allows easier fitting, and allows larger capacities, and a greater range of
capacity, to be achieved than is possible with a single pair (as indicated above).
Examples of combinations that will fit in an FP0551 with no cardframe removal required.
1. 2 Powersonic PS-12330 (33 Ahr) batteries in parallel with 2 Powersonic PS-12100
(10 Ahr) batteries gives a total of 43 Ahr.
2. 2 sets of 2 Powersonic PS-12280 (28 Ahr) will provide 56Ahr and will fit side by side
on the bottom of an FP0551.