
Document No: LT0122 F3200 Installation & Programming Manual
Network Programming
Issue 2.7 5 July 2001 Page 11-7
BLI - true if the bells are isolated at this panel or if the bells are silenced from the
network. A bells silence state received from a network panel will be applied
at this panel if 1. “use maf status” is enabled at this panel for the remote panel
and 2. this panel has “allow receive net bells silence” enabled. (Refer Section
No other output logic tokens are affected by MAF status from other panels.
1) SID designation
A unique SID number (1-254) must be given to every fire panel and network accessory
(PTM,NLDU,PMB etc). Numbering can be achieved in different ways, for example a multi-
building senario.
Each main FIP in each building could have a SID number starting with 10, 20, 30 etc. Every
FIP in the same building could then be consecutively numbered after the main FIP, or
perhaps a number which may signify the level in the building of which the FIP is located. (ie
SID number 22 could mean the second slave FIP in building 2. The master FIP would be
2) Group Membership
Groups could be allocated on the basis of buildings, for example all units in one building are
members of the same group. A printer in a building allocated as Group One will only print
Group One events.
Units can, if necessary, belong to more than one group, eg. there may be three independent
groups for three buildings on site, but a unit in a site monitoring office can be a member of all
three groups.
To continue the example, the Group One printer prints only Group One events, but the site
monitoring printer prints all events from Groups One, Two and Three.
Units that receive the events are permitted to process them only if there is at least one group
that the sender and receiver have in common.
The groups concept also applies to Alarm annunciation on the F3200 LCD. An F3200 can
be programmed whether to receive alarms from other FIPs on the network. If this is so, the
F3200 will only display alarms from sending FIPs that have a Group common to the
receiving F3200.
For example, a building has 3 FIPs which are members of Group 7. Two are sub-FIPs,
which only display alarms from any of the 3 FIPs in Group 7. The main FIP can display its
own alarms, plus those of the other two. However, the main FIP could be programmed to
also be a member of Group 4, thus alarms from a panel in Group 4, eg. another building,
could be displayed on the main FIP's LCD.
3) SID LIST programming
Section 11.4 describes the programming of the SID list. Each SID on the network that this
panel needs to know about must be programmed into the SID list of this panel. Determine
what functions are to be performed by each SID and what information is to be shared by
which SIDs. The SID list provides a number of options which can be enabled or disabled per
SID. A master SID will probably have nearly all of these options set to YES, while a slave
SID will probably have less options enabled.