Document No: LT0122 F3200 Installation & Programming Manual
Network Programming
Issue 2.7 5 July 2001 Page 11-19
Options under Events2
1. Zone/relay cmd text tx : (Yes/No)
If enabled, the text name of the zone or relay will be transmitted onto the network along with
the event for zone/relay command event types. "Command" type events include isolate,
deisolate, reset, alarm test, fault test, operate test, auto reset test.
2. Zone/relay event text tx : (Yes/No)
If enabled, the text name of the zone or relay will be transmitted onto the network along with
the event for zone/relay non-command event types. These include zone alarm, zone fault
and zone normal.
3. Sys event text tx : (Yes/No)
If enabled, the text associated with a system event will be included when the event is
transmitted onto the network. An NLDU (LED display unit), does not require system event
text, but remote event printers or remote event history loggers do require system event text.