Important Safety Instructions
Statement of Intended Use
Tripp Lite Medical-Grade UPS Systems are intended to support and protect non-medical
computer equipment and medical devices that require leakage current reduction, surge
protection, voltage regulation, line noise filtering and battery backup during power outages and
generator testing, both inside and outside patient care areas. Tripp Lite’s Medical-Grade UPS
Systems come with hospital-grade plugs and receptacles that reduce leakage to below 100µA.
This manual contains important instructions that should be followed during the installation,
operation and storage of all Tripp Lite UPS Systems. Failure to heed these warnings will void
your warranty.
Note: Your UPS incorporates fusing only in the ungrounded phase conductor. UL 60601-1 certified UPS
systems must not be used in countries other than the United States and Canada and must be used only in
healthcare facilities on grounded systems where conditions of maintenance and supervision ensure that only
qualified persons will service the electrical distribution system.
UPS Location Warnings
• Relevantsymbols
Denotes that information in the manual should be reviewed before use.
Used to signal as a warning that a statement is particularly important and could pose
a safety risk.
Denotes that instructions should be followed for proper use.
Warns that users should not sit or step on the unit.
Indicates that you should not push the unit.
• Donotusethisequipmentwithinoxygen-enrichedatmospheres,orwithin0.3m(1ft.)ofa
• UsecautionwhenliftingUPS.BecauseoftheconsiderableweightofallUPSsystems,at
least two people should assist in lifting and installing them.
• InstallyourUPSindoors,awayfromexcessmoistureorheat,dustordirectsunlight.
• LeaveadequatespacearoundallsidesoftheUPSforproperventilation.Donotobstructits
vents or fan openings.
UPS Connection Warnings
when the UPS is not connected to an AC supply.
a way that would eliminate the UPS's connection to ground. Do not use adapters that
eliminate the UPS’s connection to ground.
filtered, frequency-regulated computer-grade output. Connecting your UPS to a generator will
void its Ultimate Lifetime Insurance.
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