Template 0001_AdminIntroAudienceFeatures.fm
GL-1020 Administrator’s Guide 14
Congratulations on purchasing the TOSHIBA e-STUDIO
e-STUDIO550-810 Electronic Document Processing System. This
system incorporates the e-STUDIO550/650/810 multifunctional
digital copier with the GL-1020 controller to provide a one-source
solution for all your document copying and network printing needs.
This Administrator’s Guide provides detailed instructions for
setting up the GL-1020 controller and installing GL-1020 client
software, transforming the digital copier into a complete, network-
connected document processing system.
This Preface defines the scope and audience of this guide and
introduces GL-1020 features and functions.
The controller provides cross-platform support for Windows
Macintosh, and Unix operating systems over a wide variety of
network protocols, including TCP/IP, IPX/SPX, SMB, and
AppleTalk. It supports both wired (Ethernet) and wireless networks.
The GL-1020 client software package and web-based device
management utility provide unparalleled device and job control
from the convenience of your desktop.