04_ScanSetupAgents.fm Modified: 8/16/02
Template Version 1.0
110 GL-1020 Administrator’s Guide
Configuring the Send to TopAccessComposer Agent
This agent stores the scanned file in a TopAccessComposer
folder. You specify the name and type of folder. For a Private
folder you need to supply your username and password.
Sample Template Properties page showing the Destination field
1 Enter the name of the destination folder in
Folder names consist of any ASCII characters except for:
/ \ : * ? " <> | & = # ' % ; . [ ] { } and space. The maximum
size of a folder name is 64 characters. The exact folder path
will be displayed below. If the folder is a Private folder and
the folder name is the same as a user home Private folder, a
new folder with the same name will be created under the
user’s home folder. For example, Private\Toshibauser
\Toshibauser. If the folder name is left blank, no folder will be
created and the scanned files will be stored in the user’s home
folder. For example, Private\Toshibauser.
2 Select the Folder Type —Public, Private or Department.
3 Enter a Login User Name and password if required
depending on the folder type you chose. Confirm the