
Symantec Product
Authentication Service
AcomponentofVeritasSecurityServices (VxSS)thatisusedbyCommandCentral
Storageto provideuserauthentication. AuthenticationServiceisa setofprocesses
and runtime libraries that enables users to log on to multiple Veritas products
with one login. See also Symantec Product Authorization Service.
Symantec Product
Authorization Service
A commoncomponent, also known asVRTSaz, that providesa centralized access
control decision-making service. After the Authentication Service has validated
user identities, the Authorization Service makes access control decisions,
determining whether specific users have the authority to perform specific tasks
onspecific resourcesbeingprotected byauthorization.The HardwareAbstraction
Layer(HAL) istheonly partofCommandCentral Storagetouse theAuthorization
Service, using it to control access for inter-process communication. See also
Symantec Product Authentication Service.
system Thephysical hardwareonwhich dataandapplicationsreside, andtheconnections
between them.
tape device A storage device that writes data to tape. CommandCentral Storage identifies a
tape drive, tape transport, and tape arrays as a tape device.
tape mark A mark that is recorded between backup images on a tape.
Task Manager A CommandCentral Storage Management Server component that manages
user-initiatedrequests torequests tochangethe statusor configurationofobjects
in the network and to add, edit, and delete users. The Task Manager maintains a
list of completed, pending, and active tasks. The list can be viewed using the
Console Task Status tab.
topology The physical or logical arrangement of resources on the storage network and the
connections between them.
Topology Map Agraphical representation of the physical or logical arrangement of storage
resources in the network. The Topology Map depicts both the objects on the
network and the connections between them. In CommandCentral Storage, the
Topology Map displays on the Console's Topology tab.
unallocated storage LUNs thathave notyet beenallocated. A LUNis consideredallocated whena host
operatingsystem haswrittena devicehandle fortheLUN (inotherwords, claimed
the LUN) or when the array has masked the LUN to a specific target. Contrast
with allocated storage
unclaimed storage Storage that has been allocated to hosts whose operating systems have not yet
written device handles. This is usually wasted storage. Contrast with claimed
unconfigured storage Physical storage that has yet to be formatted. Contrast with configured storage
unidentified adapter An HBA or storage device that has logged into a Fibre Channel switch and about
which CommandCentral Storage has no information. For HBAs, this can occur
CommandCentral Glossary48