
Added support for discovery of ESX servers through the VMware
Infrastructure SDK
In CommandCentral Storage5.1, you can nowconfigure discovery of ESX servers
through the VMware Infrastructure SDK (VI SDK). This allows you to discover
individual ESX servers throughVI SDK or a VirtualCenter that managesmultiple
ESX servers through VI SDK.
For information about configuring discovery through VI SDK, see the
CommandCentral Hardware and Software Configuration Guide.
Sybase ASE 15 support
CommandCentral now supports discovery of Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise
(ASE) 15.
Added support for the correlation of non-HDS backend array volumes for
HDS Tagma USP and USP-V series arrays
CommandCentralnowsupports thecorrelationofthephysical disksofHDSTagma
USP and USP-V series arrays and their backend array volumes (LUNs) when the
backend arrays are from other vendors that are listed in the CommandCentral
Hardware and Software Compatibility List.
Added support for the correlation of backend array volumes for NetApp
V-Series storage systems
CommandCentral now supports the correlation of the physical disks of NetApp
V-Series storage systems and their backend array volumes (LUNs).
CommandCentral Storage 5.1 introduces the following reporting features.
Added in-context performance reports for certain objects
When you use the Managing Summary section of the CommandCentral Storage
Consoleto navigatetoan object'sReportingpane, youcannow selectperformance
reports that are scoped for the following objects:
Fibre channel adapters
Fibre channel controllers
Physical disks
RAID groups for Hitachi HDS storage arrays
Switch ports
11Getting started with the CommandCentral family
About Veritas CommandCentral Storage