
Storage provisioning
Using tools provided in CommandCentral Storage, a storage administrator can
allocate storage resources to specific hosts and applications and control access
tostorageresources. YoucanalsocreateLUNs fromunconfiguredstorage.Another
feature allows provisioning jobs to be scheduled for times when the network is
less busy.
Through the use of storage accounts, a senior administrator can establish
provisioning guidelines, or policies, that regulate the actions of lower-level
Graphical reports about network resources, performance, and events
CommandCentral Storage includes an extensive set of graphical reports with
which you can display collected data about resources, performance, history, and
changes on your storage network. You can also create custom reports tailored to
your own needs. By enabling you to monitor things like trends in storage usage,
these reports can help you use your storage assets more efficiently.
About Veritas CommandCentral Storage Change
Veritas CommandCentralStorage Change Manager by Symantec provides
enterprisewide insightinto storage infrastructurerelated changesin your data
center. With this insight, you can maximize storage availability and minimize
downtime due to planned and unplanned changes.
CommandCentral Storage Change Manager includes the following capabilities:
Discovers the storage resources in your data center. This allows storage
administrators to monitor your storage infrastructure.
Detects changes made to your storage resources. This allows storage
administrators to monitor changes and assess the impact those changes have
on your storage infrastructure.
Assesses the changes to storage resources against custom policies and best
practice policies. With custom policies, storage administrators can define
connectivity, configuration, and compliance requirements for your storage
assets. Best practice policies monitor your storage assets using
industryrecognized best practices for storage management.
Notifies youof changesto storageresources thatviolate yourcustom policies.
This allows storage administrators to correct changes that can potentially
disrupt your storage infrastructure.
Getting started with the CommandCentral family
About Veritas CommandCentral Storage Change Manager