host storage domain See array virtual port.
hub A common connection point for devices in the storage network. The hub may be
unmanaged, IP-managed, or FC-managed. An unmanaged hub is passive in the
sensethatit servessimplyasaconduitfor data,movingthedatafrom onestorage
resourceto another.IP-managedand FC-managedhubsareintelligent, containing
features an administrator can use to monitor the traffic passing through the hub
and configure each port in the hub.
inactive zone set A zone set available for activating on a Fibre Channel fabric. See also active zone
set, zone set.
in-band A type of Fibre Channel management protocol. The most prevalent in-band
protocol over Fibre Channel is SCSI Enclosure Services (SES). Contrast with
initiator group See HBA port group.
IP address An identifier for a computer orother device on a TCP/IP network, written as four
eight-bit numbers separated by periods. Messages and other data are routed on
thenetwork accordingtotheir destinationIPaddresses.See alsovirtualIP address.
iSCSI router A storage router implementing the Internet Small Computer Systems Interface
(iSCSI) protocol (SCSI over IP) to extend access of a Fibre Channel fabric and
attached storage devices to IP servers. Currently, CommandCentral Storage
discovers only the Cisco SN 5420 iSCSI router.
JBOD (just a bunch of
A cabinet of disks.
logical unit number See LUN.
logical volume Asimple volumethatresideson anextendedpartition onabasic diskandis limited
to the space within the extended partitions. A logical volume can be formatted
and assigned a drive letter, and it can be subdivided into logical drives. See also
LUN (logical unit
A unique and discrete addressable unit or logical volume that may reside inside
one or more simple or array storage devices. LUNs are exposed to the outside
worldthrough anaddressingscheme presentedtothehost asSCSILUN numbers.
Each LUN has a unique device handle and represents a logical volume.
LUN binding Thecreationofaccess pathsbetweenan addressableunit(AddrUnit) withina disk
array and a port on the array. AddrUnits are storage volumes built out of the
physical disks within the array. Array ports are connected to the SAN fabric and
function as SCSI targets behind which the AddrUnits bound to those ports are
LUN masking The practice of enabling access to a particular addressable unit (AddrUnit) for a
host on the storage network. This is done by creating an access control list
CommandCentral Glossary42