
Identifies potentialrisks toyour storage infrastructurebased on bestpractice
policies. With risks, storage administrators can identify theimpacted storage
resources and take the necessary action to remove the risk from your storage
Lets you view reports that provide an enterprisewide view of the changes
that occur in your data center.
Use CommandCentral Storage Change Manager as your enterprise solution for
storage change and configuration management to ensure the availability of your
storage infrastructure, manage service level agreements more effectively, and
improve operational efficiency.
What you can do with CommandCentral Storage Change Manager
Storage administrators can use CommandCentral Storage Change Manager to
monitorandmanage changestothestorageinfrastructure. WithCommandCentral
Storage Change Manager, you can do the following:
Monitor your storage resources and view detailed information about them.
Forexample, youcanview storagearraysandthe LUNsthatreside insideeach
Track changes to your storage resources. For example, you can view
information about an application that was added to a host.
Create custompolicies. Withcustom policies, youcan definethe connectivity,
configuration, and compliance requirements for your storage resources.
Additionally,you canalso definewhoshould receivenotificationsof violations
to the policy and you can define the target resolution time for violations.
Monitor violationsagainst yourcustom policies.When aviolation occurs, you
can view the violation to determine the impacted storage resources, find the
changethat causedtheviolation, andtakethe necessaryactionsto resolvethe
Use best practice policies. These policies ship with CommandCentral Storage
Change Manager and monitor storage changes against industry recognized
best practices for storage management. For example, one best practice policy
monitors clusters that host a service group to ensure that the clusters nodes
have access to the same set of LUNs.
Monitor the risks that best practice policies identify. Similar to violations,
CommandCentralStorageChangeManagergenerates ariskifachangebreaches
a best practice policy. You can view a description of each risk to identify
impacted storage resources and then take the necessary action to resolve the
19Getting started with the CommandCentral family
About Veritas CommandCentral Storage Change Manager