Story-Board Print
Using the storyboard printing, you can make the digest image of your video abridging its story.
This function captures 16 still images arbitrarily from the selected video and makes up one still
image of 16-splits to save it into the storage media. It presents a quick overview of your video,
helping you to understand the whole story of the video.
Touch the Play ( )-* HD (_HD) or SD (_SD) tab on the LCD screen. '=_page 43
1. Touch the Menu (i_,_)tab -* "Story-Board Print."
2. Touch the desired video -* "Yes."
* Printed storyboard image file appears on the LCD screen for a
* Images to be captured are selected arbitrarily, and composes
storyboard of one still image with 16-split stillframes.
o You can also find the saved storyboard image inthe photo
thumbnail view.
• The Story-Board Print function is not available in the
following conditions:
If free space available on the storage is insufficient.
• The storyboard printing may not show all 16 i-Frame
thumbnails in following case:
Recorded video is too short (to extract 16 i-Frame thumbnails
from a video, its recorded time should be longer than 32
File info
You can see the image information for all images.
Touchthe Play(:) tab onthe LCDscreento select theplay mode._page 23
1. Touch the Menu (,,,) tab -* "FiLe Info."
2. Select the desired file to view the file information.
• The information of the selected file appears.
3. To exit the menu, touch the Return (_,) tab.
i _ IOOVlDE0
Date : 01. JAN. 2010
Duration :00:e0:lt5
Size :9.56MB
e;# Resolution : 14D 108O50i F