f e rn n aernent
Videos and photos stored in the internal memory can be copied to the external flash memory
card. Copying to the memory card does not delete originals in the internal memory.
• Insertthememorycardinyourcamcorder.
• Touchthe Play() tab on the LCDscreento selectthe playmode. "-*page23
1. Touch the HD ((_!HD),SD (_sD) or Photo (_) tab.
• Videos or photos appear as thumbnails.
2. Touch the Menu (_, ,.l)tab -_ "Copy."
3, Touch the desired submenu item.
4, The corresponding message to the selected option appears.
Touch "Yes."
• The selected images are copied.
,' Select Files: Copy indMdual images.
Touch the images you want to copy.
The (_) indicator is displayed on the selected images.
Tbuching the thumbnail image toggles the image
between being selected (_1) or not selected.
Touch the ([_) tab.
All Files: Copy all images.
Remaining free space in the
destination memory card
,, You can also operate this function in the Iull and single image display mode.
,, Ifthe write protection tab on the memory card is set to lock, you cannot copy the images.
'-*page 29
,, You can not copy afile if the memory card has insufficient free space. Remow_ unnecessary files
before proceeding. "-*page 97
,, The copy function does not work if battery charge is insufficient. It is recommended to use AC
power to continue power supply during the copying.