Chapter 9 Connecting to External Sound Generators and Sequencers
Conversely, if there is a patch which should be played using
only the external sound generator, just set the GR-33 patch
“LAYER” setting (p. 51) to “Mute.”
* It’s not possible to alter the correspondences between Program
Change numbers received by the GR-33 and the GR-33
patches called up by these numbers. The At the time of
purchase, Program Change numbers 1 through 128 are
assigned sequentially to patches A11 through D84, and this
cannot be changed.
If you wish to start by matching the transmit numbers and
receive numbers, access the System mode function
FACTORY RESET, select “PC Number,” and execute.
For more detailed information and instructions for this
procedure, refer to “Re-assigning Program Change Numbers
in the Order of Patches” (p. 97).
* Make changes in settings only when a MIDI loop connection
is not being used.
Selecting Separate Sounds
Programmed for Different Strings
It’s possible to set different Program Change messages sent
to an external sound generator not only for each patch, but
even for each string.
In step 3 of the procedure just described, “Changing the
Program Change Number Sent to the External Device During
Patch Selection,” set the [STRING SELECT] button to any
string-number position other than “ALL” (such as 6-5, 6, 5, or
the like), then use [VALUE] to make the change. This method
makes it possible to change the Program Change number for
just the string selected.
This also makes it simple to do unusual things like assigning
a different tone to each of the six strings with the external
sound generator. You can also mute out certain strings for
the external sound generator by using the setting “OFF” for
the desired strings.
* You can make settings for different strings for an external
MIDI sound generator using the [STRING SELECT] button
not only for Program Change messages, but for sending MIDI
Bank Select messages as well (see the next section).
Selecting More Than 128 Tones
(MIDI [CC0], MIDI [CC32])
When you use the GR-33 to select sounds on an external
sound module that has a larger number of sounds than
covered by the range of program change numbers (1--128),
use MIDI Bank Select messages (control change numbers 0
and 32) in conjunction with the program change messages.
* The “bank” referred to here is an extended Program Change
message set forth in the MIDI specification, and has absolutely
nothing to do with the GR-33’s bank number (the second place of
the display that is, the “Bank” in “Bank Shift,” “Bank Up, and
“Bank Down”). Care should be taken not to confuse the two.
The GR-33 also supports this function for sending Bank
Select messages.
■ Sending MIDI Bank Select Messages
1. Select the patch whose setting you want to change, and
press [COMMON] to enter Patch Edit mode.
2. Use [PARAMETER] to select “MIDI [CC0]” (Control
Change number 0).
3. Press [STRING SELECT] to select “ALL.”
4. Use [VALUE] to set the value for the tone to be called
up (Off, 0 to 127).
5. When you finish making the “MIDI [CC0]” setting, use
[PARAMETER] to choose “MIDI [CC32]” (Control
Change number 32).
6. Press [STRING SELECT] to select “ALL.”
7. Use [VALUE] to set the value for the tone to be called
up (Off, 0 to 127).