Chapter 1 Producing Sounds
What You Need
The following items are necessary for getting sounds from your GR-33:
GR-33 base module, with included accessories (AC adapter, 13-pin cable)
Amplifier, speakers, and cables—a completely stereophonic system is preferable—or stereo headphones
● GK-2A divided pickup
● Metal-stringed guitar with GK-2A properly installed
In addition to the above items, you should also have the following items on hand if needed:
● Guitar amplifier, guitar effects (for adding to guitar sounds)
● External bank shift switches (Boss FS-5U, optional) — to use two foot switches, a branch cable (stereo x 1 → mono x 2, 1/4”
phone plugs) is required (p. 23)
● MIDI foot controller (FC-200 or similar unit, optional) (p. 24)
Installing the GK-2A
Before you can use your guitar with the GR-33, the GK-2A
must first be properly installed on the guitar.
Following the procedure outlined in the GK-2A owner’s
manual, attach the GK-2A’s pickup as shown in the picture.
* Be sure the Divided Pickup is correctly oriented: the cord from
the Pickup should emerge from under the sixth string.
* Assembly instructions for use of the GK-2A with the other
device may appear in the GK-2A owner’s manual. Installation
for use with the GR-33 follows the same logic.
To confirm the quality of the GK-2A installation, please take
special note of the following points:
● Make sure that the space between each string and its
pickup is exactly 1 mm when you press the top fret. (Do
not allow the string to get too close to the pickup.)
● Do not allow the space between the guitar bridge and the
GK-2A pickups to exceed 20 mm.
● Make sure that the placement of each of the pickups’ six
yokes (pole pieces) in relation to each string is correct.
For more detailed instructions, please refer to the GK-2A
owner’s manual.
Guitars That Cannot Be Used with the
While the compact design of the GK-2A allows its
installation on many different guitars, please note the
following types of guitars on which it cannot be used:
a. 12-string, pedal steel, and other specially strung guitars;
nylon-strung, gut-strung, and similar guitars; bass
guitars. (The GK-2A will not operate successfully if
installed on such instruments.)
b. Guitars which, due to their physical design, lack the
space for proper mounting of the GK-2A.
Regarding situation “b.” above: You may be able to install
the GK-2A after a minor modification of the guitar. Please
consult the dealer where you purchased your GK-2A.
Some guitar manufacturers are currently shipping guitars
that can be connected directly to the GR series with a 13-pin
cable, without the use of a GK-2A. For more information,
please ask your dealer or these guitar manufacturers.
* Take care when dealing with guitars that have more than 25
frets, or unusually high tunings, as the response around the
upper frets may not be sufficient for taking full advantage of
the GR-33.